Stodder Laboratory, Eastern Maine General Hospital, ca. 1923
Item 16221 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
In the 1920s, the hospital was faced with many growth issues -- more patients, a wider service area, new buildings and new equipment -- and new business methods needed to serve the growing hospital.
In 1923, Stodder Laboratory opens at a cost of $40,000, a gift of George T. Stodder.
Eastern Maine General Hospital Laundry Building in 1923
Item 16212 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
In 1923, the nurses' training school begins an affiliation with Boston Lying-In; students will study obstetrics there for four months.
The new laundry building is completed.
An electric elevator replaces the hydraulic machine in the 1899 surgical building.
The power plant above the boiler room is remodeled, adding coal pockets capable of holding 800 tons.
Stodder Laboratory at Eastern Maine General Hospital ca. 1923
Item 16220 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
The medical records department is formally organized in 1924.
"In order that the greatest amount of safety may be thrown around our Endowment Fund in the years to come, the Merrill Trust Co. has been designated as custodian of the fund and all of the securities are now in their hands for safekeeping. All investments however, to be made by the trustees."
An automatic sprinkler system is installed.
Construction begins in 1925 on the long-awaited nurses home, thanks to a $175,000 gift from William Bingham II and smaller gifts that together meet the projected cost of $235,000.
"The (Women's Aid) Society has financed the upkeep of the Children's Ward, as usual."
Bangor Public Library begins to supply books and magazines for patients; later through the Hill Fund, it purchases texts and journals for the hospital.
The average length of stay is 15 days; the cost per patient day is $4.78.
Nurses Residence, Eastern Maine General Hospital, 1928
Item 16216 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
In 1926, trustees vote to establish a department of pediatrics for patients under the age of 12.
Pediatrician Albert W. Fellows, M.D., is appointed to the staff.
In October, the long-awaited residence for nurses opens.
"More and a greater variety of work has been steadily demanded of the Staff, and it has been found necessary to place the Orthopedic Surgeon on a basis of receiving remuneration for a portion of the time he is called on to contribute to the needs of the Hospital. Under this arrangement he contributes without remuneration as much time as do the other members of the Staff who continue to give freely their experience and ability. The Pathologist and Roentgenologist remain on the same basis as before." --1926 Report of the Trustees
Pressing needs include a modern nurse call system; the existing one is "dependent on dry cell batteries for operation (and) is nearly beyond repair and almost useless.
A modern refrigeration plant opens, producing 1,000 pounds of ice per day.
Dr. Barbara Hunt, consulting physician, in 1927 becomes the first woman to join the medical staff.
"I believe we should open up our hospital to all physicians of good standing in the community for the care of their private patients, should they care to avail themselves of the opportunity (although as yet) we do not have room enough (for) patients of physicians not on the regularly appointed staff."
A modern nurse call system is installed.
Trustees adopt a major reorganization in 1928, acknowledging "that the business methods adapted to a small hospital cannot any longer meet the requirements of this larger institution."
A consolidated board of nine replaces an executive committee and a board of 20 (trustees): the larger board included five women; the reduced board includes none.
"The amount of work in the Pathological Department has increased greatly during the past year. We are especially pleased to see the increase in the number of post-mortem examinations." --Dr. H. E. Thompson, Pathologist
The Women's Aid Society purchases the first electric cardiograph machine for $1,000.
Free work is steadily increasing, with 21,000 days of free treatment given in the past year.
The physicians care for "free patients" without "any compensation whatever." "I think the community at large does not realize the amount of self-sacrifice that these men give." --Superintendent George Stone
In 1929, "The most noticeable (change) is the increase in the amount of blood chemistry. Physicians are asking more and more for this kind of work. ...Three new microscopes have been added. ..also electric refrigeration installed." --Pathologist H. E. Thompson, M.D.
A surgical section exclusive to eye surgery is established, under Manning C. Moulton, M.D.
Efficiency and patient comfort are enhanced by several improvements: a new supply room with a system for tracking receipt and issuance, privacy screens in the wards, and in the 1899 Surgical Building, three new toilets are installed in the former elevator shaft, assuring "the latest in sanitary methods."
In May a fire in the X-ray storage room of the Cleveland Clinic kills 121 with 50 others treated for gas injuries; EMGH takes heed, adding a separate small film storage building and changing to nonflammable safety film.
The 1930s were an era when the hospital believed that "By broadening our vision we might see this hospital in the future as the Health Center for Eastern Maine."
In 1930, Thomas A. Devan, M.D. is named superintendent, succeeding George Stone who has accepted the position of superintendent at Memorial Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts.
The Great Depression strikes hard at the hospital with all traditional sources of money running dry: the state appropriation relied on since the hospital opened stops this year; increasingly, patients are unable to pay. "The first step taken by the Trustees was...a series of advertisements in the daily papers, to inform the public. . .of the exact situation."
"With deep regret the Trustees adopted the policy of requesting a deposit from those seeking treatment...this rule not applying to accident or emergency cases." "This necessary change of policy has been accepted by the public generally with a fine spirit of understanding cooperation." --Trustee president John Wilson
A physical therapy department is established under the direction of the head of Roentgenology: "It remains to be seen just how much need there is for such a department here," notes the superintendent.
The specter of infectious disease shows in class notes taken by Vivian McDonald Dwyer, class of 1930: On the treatment of pneumonia in its most vulnerable victims, she recorded "the only thing to do (for the aged) is to give whiskey every three or four hours." And for babies, "take out of bed and hold in arms."
In 1931, "Dr. Barbara Hunt kindly permitted our patients the use of radium under her direction. During the latter part of the year the use of the radium was placed on a more business-like basis." -- Superintendent Thomas Devan, M.D.
"For the first time...we are unable to record any new legacy or large gift."
Bill collecting becomes harder; the operating deficit continues; and prospects for next year look even more bleak.
On a brighter note: "There were no noteworthy epidemics and despite the depression the general health conditions of the territory...were very satisfactory."
Food costs drop by almost 20 per cent.
"It is not generally realized how predominantly surgical is the work of the EMGH"; 2,143 operations were performed last year, with an annual patient per bed rate of 22.
In 1932, Trustee President John Wilson wrote: "The trustees... have attempted to make it perfectly clear...that the financial condition of the EMGH was in a serious, if not indeed critical, condition."
A series of ads runs in the daily press to describe the major problems the hospital faces; on Hospital Day in May a radio talk is given by the superintendent reviewing the history and purpose of the hospital.
One quarter of the patients are private, the others ward patients.
In 1933, Harold Marsh serves one year as trustee president.
Heidbrink gas anesthesia apparatus is purchased by the Women's Aid Society, which also underwrites hospital expenses for a child and the maintenance of Ward E.
The 20-year old Bangor District Nursing Association (supported by the Federated Clubs of Bangor) remains closely affiliated with the hospital.
Nursing students spend four-week rotations with the district nurse, Ethel Burr, R.N., who this year posts 2,532 visits to 329 patients.
A baby clinic is held each Thursday at City Hall.
"A convalescent home, to be operated in connection with our hospital, has long been considered by our TrusteesĀ” this must await a time when special funds are given for this purpose."
At year-end the books show $82,000 in free care, with over $175,000 being carried on account.
The annual state appropriation has been replaced by an allotment for each approved State Aid case: this year the state paid $1.82 per day, amounting to half the cost of a day's care.
A new ambulance is purchased.
From the list of 74 regulations posted in the residence for nurses: "6 a.m. rising bell; 10 p.m. in bed. Lights out. Absolutely quiet. Use only 25-watt bulbs. NEVER appear in the corridor without bathrobe or kimono. Nurses are requested to ask callers to refrain from sounding automobile horns while waiting. Nurses will please not callout the windows to anyone."
In 1934, Superintendent Thomas A. Devan, M.D., wrote: "Perhaps (it) would be profitable to draw up a plan forecasting the probable needs of this region for additional hospital services and a building program outlined for the next 25 years, so that the hospital could strive to build itself into this plan. ...By broadening our vision we might see this hospital in the future as the Health Center for Eastern Maine --housing all the health agencies and with a capacity of 250 beds."
Overcrowding is chronic; some months the average number of patients exceeds the rated number of beds (159) by ten.
Frank Silliman succeeds Harold Marsh as trustee president.
Expenses continue to outpace income from patient services and endowment interest; nevertheless, "The trustees feel that the Hospital should not, until compelled to, curtail the amount of free service rendered."
The X-ray department is "completely modernized."
Group hospital insurance plans gain nationwide attention as a means for the "family to budget for health expenses" (no plans available locally as yet).
In 1935, the trustees engage nationally known hospital consultant Charles Neergaard to submit a plan for future expansion "in spite of the fact that the hospital...does currently operate at a loss...(there is) the problem of how to finance."
Neergaard proposes a 100-bed seven-story pavilion connecting Phillips-Oliver and the 1899 building; in front of the pavilion would be located a new administration building. After "comments, suggestions and criticism" were invited, trustees adopt the Neergaard plan as a future goal, to be realized in installments as resources allow.
The average length of stay is 13.6 days, still longer than the 11-12 day stay considered appropriate in a "hospital of this character."
Modest capital improvements reflect the Depression economy: new linoleum in ward A, ventilating fan in the children's ward, new roof over the doctor's library, 15 trees planted, and an operating table purchased through the Anonymous Urological Fund.
In 1936 and for many years, these words appeared on the closing page of the annual report: "A hospital cannot be over-endowed. The more money it has, the greater good it accomplishes. Persons who wish their gifts or bequests to be of the greatest possible benefit would do well to familiarize themselves with needs and conditions by visiting the institution and conferring with the Superintendent."
A generous bequest from Miss Grace F. Kelley allows plans for a new building to proceed.
In August, monthly clinics for crippled children are initiated as part of the Social Security program and under the direction of Dr. Allan Woodcock of Bangor and Dr. Herbert Kobes of Augusta.
In November a weekly diagnostic tumor clinic is organized under the chairmanship of Dr. Magnus Ridlon, surgeon, who brings together colleagues from medicine, surgery, radiology and pathology.
The physical therapy department, still under the supervision of roentgenologist Forrest Ames, serves 441 patients, more than half of them outpatients. The great majority of treatments provided are either "baking" or massage.
A new Chevrolet coupe is purchased for the use of the credit manager.
The Woman's Hospital Aid Society extends thanks to the Daily News and the Commercial for the "generous space and cooperation that has been given whenever needed."
Superintendent Thomas Devan, M.D. resigns in June 1937 and is succeeded in October by Medical Director Allan Craig, M.D.
In the spring trustees postpone by a year the start of what will be known as the Kelley Building, believing that the "construction should not be begun without the head of the hospital administration actually present."
For the third straight year, a hospital record is set for patient days and average census: EMGH is running at over 100 per cent capacity, with a constant waiting list.
A year of sprucing up and looking to the safety of the plant: kitchens and bake shop "completely cleaned" and remodeled, flood lights are added to the parking lot and walkways; a full-time painter is hired.
At the request of the hospital, the fire chief and housing inspector make a complete inspection, finding many defects. In remedy, a new fire hose is placed at all stations in the medical and surgical buildings, with an automatic alarm system installed at the entrance of the administration (gray stone) building.
The University of Maine begins an affiliation with EMGH, offering a five-year liberal arts and nursing program.
In 1938, George Eaton succeeds Frank Silliman as president of the board of trustees.
Two new departments are created in the fall, introducing a more business-like approach: credit and collections and purchasing, stores and issuance. The pharmacy is now under the direction of a pharmacist "who has been an outstanding figure in the field...not only in the state of Maine but throughout New England."
A complete list of hospital department heads: Superintendent of Nurses, Bookkeeper, Historian (medical records), Credit Manager, Purchasing & Stores, Pharmacist, Dietician, Maintenance, Housekeeper.
Trustees vote to move ahead with construction of a new building made possible by the bequest of Grace F. Kelley; the contractors will be from Boston, the consulting engineers from New York. Three sample rooms are furnished (one each by the Woman's Hospital Aid and the Daily News) and made available for viewing by those who might wish to give the $200-$500 required to furnish and equip a private or semi-private room.
In July 1939, the Lucilla Peirce Kelley Building opens and in November the remodeling of the medical building (Phillips Oliver) is complete. "It must be remembered that the new wing is but a unit in a building program...Eventually we hope the Eastern Maine General Hospital will have a plant...which will enable Bangor to become a medical center not only for eastern Maine but for an enlarged area. Indeed Bangor is rapidly becoming known as such a center. --Trustee president George Eaton
The opening of the Kelley building makes way for the establishment of a modern obstetrical department in the Phillips Oliver building, which now also houses the business, patient records and administration offices moved from the "old stone building where they had been located since the founding of the hospital."
Dr. Wilfred Comeau joins the medical staff as the first cardiologist.
The Bangor District Nursing Association, now 25 years old, gives special attention to obstetrics (including prenatal home visits) and care of the aged. This year, assistance is given in 121 home deliveries, with a nurse visiting for ten days afterward to bathe mother and baby and to change the linen.
Trustees report "an important step in the progress of the institution" with the revision of policies governing the medical staff. "This revision reorganizes the medical staff under new classifications, deals in an important way with the method of the choice of new members of the staff, and provides for liaison between the staff and trustees through the medium of a coordinating committee."
In the 1940s, the hospital recognizes that "When the war is over the Trustees will be required to turn their attention toward meeting the challenge resulting from the fact that the Eastern Maine General Hospital is becoming recognized as a medical center for all of Eastern Maine."
Shortages of supplies and materials plague EMGH in 1940 and active military service begins to thin the ranks of the medical staff. Further strain comes from the reduced purchasing power of the dollar, which shrinks the value of critically needed endowment income.
Despite shortages at home, the staff makes substantial donations of surgical instruments to British War Relief
The Women's Hospital Aid Society reports that it is disbanding "to make possible the organization of a larger group to meet the requirements of a growing hospital. .. .Our best wishes go out to a younger and more vigorous organization." In May, the Eastern Maine General Hospital Women's Auxiliary is established.
An acute housing shortage for nurses leads to the building of a three-story "brick building of inexpensive construction with temporary finish" adjoining the riverside of the corridor connecting Phillips Oliver and the 1899 building.
The Bingham Fund finances a project aimed at improving diagnostic services at smaller community hospitals through association with EMGH: currently six hospitals are sending tissue samples to the pathology department; and the roentgenologist travels to those hospitals for consultation.
"The possibilities of this step are great and it is hoped that the Eastern Maine General Hospital will also receive much benefit and become more and more the medical center of this part of the state." --Roentgenologist Forrest Ames, M.D.
Group insurance comes to eastern Maine with the opening of an office on State Street for the Associated Hospital Service Plan of Maine; EMGH becomes a participating hospital in February.
A new medical library opens on the ground floor of the Kelley building, with the Bangor Public Library helping to acquire books and journals.
In 1941, hospitals served through the Bingham Fund now number 11; personal visits by the roentgenologist have been replaced with bi-weekly conferences at EMGH.
The pathologist reports increasing volume, much of it due to the large amount of gratis work done for the Bangor Draft Boards and the Bangor Air Base.
In its first year, the Auxiliary has attracted 262 members, with an average meeting attendance of 50. Dressings (13,000 this year) are made at each meeting, followed by a business session and tea. Two more traditions begin: a scholarship fund and achievement awards for nursing students.
Three students complete the first six-month course in X-ray technique.
1942 is the hospital's 50th year anniversary.
"This year marks the fiftieth year of the founding of Eastern Maine General Hospital, a Golden Anniversary which in normal times would constitute an occasion for proper semi-centennial observance. However. the year finds our country at war." --Trustee president George Eaton
The war is felt throughout the ranks; fully one-third of the medical staff and 51 nurses have left to serve in the armed forces. Half of the attending physicians and a quarter of the surgeons are on active duty; one of the two pediatricians is in uniform; and three of the five interns are in the service (the other two are women). Admitting privileges are extended to the medical officers at Dow Field.
Preparations for meeting war emergencies continue: practice blackouts are held, first aid teams organized, sandbags, lanterns and shovels situated throughout the hospital; and plans are readied for evacuation of patients.
In reflecting on the growth of the hospital. George Eaton notes that the net worth of EMGH is slightly more than $2-million, roughly divided between buildings/equipment and the endowment.
In 1943, EMGH is designated a U. S. Cadet Nursing Corps training facility; by war's end, 154 nurses will have graduated.
The hospital purchases the Quincy property adjacent to the hospital campus as housing for senior nursing students. The student week has been reduced to 48 hours, "keeping with the policy of the better schools."
Auxilians begin service as hostesses during visiting hours (2-3 and 7-8 p.m.).
A blood bank, staffed with volunteer doctors, nurses and technicians, is set up in Stodder Lab. EMGH operates the bank in cooperation with the Red Cross and the Civilian Defense Office, with volunteer help from the Motor Corps and Canteen Service.
WLBZ broadcasts a five-minute radio spot "Our Hospital in War Time" for 33 weeks.
In 1944, "The shortage of nurses at times has almost resulted in closing the hospital."
"When the war is over the Trustees will be required to turn their attention toward meeting the challenge resulting from the fact that the Eastern Maine General Hospital is becoming recognized as a medical center for all of Eastern Maine." --Trustee president George Eaton
With the Kelley Building just five years old, overcrowding is again acute: patients are housed in corridors and "chronic cases and those less urgent must wait their turn or be cared for at home or elsewhere."
The allergy service is started with the appointment of Martyn A. Vickers, M.D.
"For many years the accounts of EMGH have been audited by (a) Boston firm ...With the growth of the institution your trustees found it necessary to engage a full time comptroller and auditor." --Annual Report
Increasing supply costs and higher wage scales are cited as reasons for "difficult financial problems."
Increased enrollment prompts the nursing school to add an additional pediatric affiliation (at Cincinnati Children's Hospital).
1945, the annual report notes: "The completion of the fiscal year ending June 1945 brings us close to what we hope will be the end of war time difficulties. The hospital will then be faced with a period of readjustment to post-war conditions, a transition which may not be easy to accomplish."--Medical director Allan Craig, M.D.
"Following the liberation of the Philippines we were more than grateful to have one of our nurses, Lt. Alice Zwicker, who had been on Bataan and Corregidor and was a prisoner of the Japanese for 39 months at Santa Tomas, return to us safely and on April 19, a testimonial dinner was given Lt. Zwicker by the trustees) medical staff and personnel of the hospital." --Annual report
Clarence Emery, Jr., M.O., is appointed the first attending physician of the obstetrical service.
Neuropsychiatrist Arthur P. Stebbins, M.D., is named to the courtesy staff.
War time restrictions still limit capital improvements to modest dimensions: progress this year includes upgrading wards A and B with hand basins ("hot and cold running water"), bed pan washers, and fresh paint.
By 1946, the annual report notes, "Our facilities are taxed to the utmost. ...At one time during the year it seemed that the trustees might be obliged to close one of the wards. Shortages of personnel in operating rooms have almost made it necessary to close the operating rooms on occasion."
To help alleviate overcrowding, some patients are now housed in the nurses' annex; nurses evacuated from the annex occupy temporary one-story wooden buildings on the grounds.
"When the Trustees determined that it was the function of Eastern Maine General Hospital to undertake to meet the increasing demands of the area, it was determined that a survey of Eastern Maine should be made, studying hospital facilities in other communities as well as our own ...that the Trustees might be informed as to the possibilities of hospital demands within the decade ahead of us." --Annual Report
Dr. Craig resigns and is succeeded by Frank C. Curran, who had served as Craig's assistant.
A medical technology program begins with three students beginning an 18-month course at EMGH, following three years of study at the University of Maine.
The blood plasma bank becomes a hospital unit when the Red Cross withdraws from its involvement at EMGH.
The Auxiliary to the Penobscot County Medical Society is established.
In 1947, "The Visiting Staff Physicians have now all returned from the Armed Services and were heartily welcomed by the Senior Staff and the Administration."
The first complete post-war year is marked by an increase of service in all departments. despite personnel shortages and generally shortened work weeks. Admissions are up by 27 percent over last year and the average daily census jumps from 218 to 244.
An anesthesiology service is established with the appointment of Clement S. Dwyer, M.D., of Bar Harbor as visiting anesthesiologist. There are already five "fully qualified nurse anesthetists."
An oral plastic surgery section added with the appointment of James R. Mabee, D.M.D.
A "program for the improvement of personnel relations" is inaugurated, consisting of written policies and practices..."our experience to date indicates that the considerable effort is very much worthwhile."
In January 1948, the Blaisdell Building opens, connecting Phillips Oliver and the Surgical Buildings; although 71 beds are equipped and ready, only half can be filled due to the severe shortage of nurses.
"The drop in (nursing school) admissions can be attributed to the ending of the war, with its emotional appeal and needs, the increased marriage rate in this age group, and greater opportunities in the business and industrial fields." --Mabel F. Booth R.N., Director of the School
"We are serving in some manner an area representing five- eighths of the geographical area of the state, as well as three-eighths of Maine's total population." --Director Frank Curran
A thoracic surgical service is added with the appointment of Lloyd Brown, M.D., to the staff.
EMGH is approved by the AMA for residency training in pathology; Dr. Ruth Salvin is named resident and Dr. James Campbell assistant resident. The medical technology school graduates its first two students.
Monthly educational meetings sponsored by the Medical Service are increasingly well attended; many presenters are "well known specialists from the medical universities."
The purchasing and stores department moves into the ground level of the new Blaisdell Building, affording centralized inventory control.
A severe poliomyelitis epidemic strikes in the summer of 1949 and lasts through the fall. A distinct polio service is set up with physicians from medical. orthopaedic and pediatric services--they devise a separate system for admissions and contagious technique. Rush shipments of respirators and hot pack machines are procured through the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Employees from throughout the hospital are trained in the manual operation of iron lungs to insure continuous function in the event of power loss.
In February increased nursing staff enables opening of the remaining units in the Blaisdell Building.
An operating loss in excess of $100,000, resulting from inadequate reimbursement for state aid cases prompts the trustees to regretfully vote that "Excepting in emergencies and excepting to the extent permitted through the yield of the endowment. No patients (will) be admitted to the Hospital until satisfactory financial arrangements have been made."
Trustees institute a reorganization of the medical staff which results in the appointments of the first chiefs of service: Lawrence M. Cutler, M.D., chief of the medical service; Magnus F. Ridlon, M.D., chief of the surgical service; and Albert W. Fellows, M.D., chief of obstetrical and pediatric services. The three chiefs and the director of the hospital are appointed to a committee charged with establishing standards of professional practice in the hospital.
Aerial view, Eastern Maine General Hospital, Penobscot River, ca. 1951
Item 16201 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
In 1950, "Increased cases from the Tumor Clinic and greater attention to cancer have (made necessary) the addition of a full-time therapy nurse."
"An upward trend in student enrollment to our 3-year program in nursing is encouraging but the decrease in those admitted to the 5-year program is a source of great concern to us." --Mabel R. Booth, R.N.
Under the amended Federal Social Security Act, trustees make available Social Security enrollment to employees.
The Auxiliary, with membership approaching 500, furnishes a lounge for laboratory technicians and secretaries, and outfits a lounge, dining room and kitchenette in the nurse's residence. Auxilians also prepare supplies each afternoon for use in the operating rooms, outpatient department, and wards.
Coffee Shop at Eastern Maine General Hospital in 1952
Item 16203 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
A coffee shop operated by the Auxiliary opens in July 1951.
"The installation of a new incinerator for burning of waste has done much to eliminate smoke nuisance in the neighborhood."
A parking area for visitors "graded, tarred and marked off for more than 100 cars can adequately accommodate all needs for parking when properly used."
Ward C (3rd floor 1899 building) was "completely modernized and redecorated...entirely by our own building maintenance staff...This area is now one of our most pleasant and popular divisions." --Director Frank Curran
The Stetson residence on Broadway is given to the hospital under the will of Clarence Stetson, in memory of his parents. Trustees designate the home as a residence for the managing director of the hospital and remodel it to include two apartments for interns.
A giant electromagnet "not available in many of the larger hospitals" is provided for the eye service through a gift from the Blaisdell Foundation.
Trustee President George Eaton writes in 1952, "A campaign of education should be sponsored to eliminate the words 'hospital aid' from the legislative vocabulary and supply in their stead the words 'aid to hospital patients'." His comment reflects frustration with a system of inadequate state reimbursement, which forces application of charitable income to operating costs. "The trustees feel it is their duty to solicit from friends of the institution annual gifts toward annual maintenance. ...There are many who read this report who might budget their charitable giving in such a manner as to assist."
The (pathology) residency program has been without applicants since the beginning of the Korean War.
Trustees engage a national auditing firm to recommend new procedures designed to provide "the facilities of modern accounting."
In 1953, "The medical staff has completed a record year of accomplishment...The institution is recognized more than ever before as a Medical Center of a talented and well-trained professional group."--Director Frank Curran
The state increases the appropriation for state aid cases by 22 percent.
Trustees approve a 40-hour work week for staff nurses "made in conjunction with the rate increase it necessitated."
Continuing education for nursing faculty continues to develop in the form of "extra-mural," in-service and clinical workshop programs.
In 1954, Caroline and Adeline Wing donate a substantial area of land between State Street and the river.
The operating deficit is $82,000, reduced by endowment and gifts to $5,000. "There is need of more arduous efforts in collecting."
A modern radioactive isotope laboratory for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer begins service.
Microfilm is now used to store hospital records.
Blaisdell Building's elevator is converted to automatic control.
In 1955, "EMGH is a necessary unit in connection with the possible requirements of civil defense and is prepared to meet any emergencies to the greatest extent possible."
The plastic and reconstructive surgery section is established with the appointment of John Van Duyn, M.D.
The scope of radiation therapy is expanded dramatically following the appointment of Edward C. Porter, M.D. The hospital acquires 142 mgs. of radium and the Atomic Energy Commission authorizes Drs. Porter and Cutler for the use of radioactive elements in diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Lawrence L. Weed is appointed the first director of medical education.
The Auxiliary mounts another "gigantic country fair, a project requiring months of preparation."
In 1956, "Hampering crowds of non- X-ray patients and hospital personnel who daily tramp through the department on our only corridor" are just two reasons cited by Dr. Hugh Allen Smith in his report on constraints facing the radiology department.
Nursing students are inoculated with the Salk vaccine.
Dietary department initiates selective menus for patients; walk-in refrigerators are completely relined and mechanically overhauled by the maintenance department.
A collegiate program in nursing is established in cooperation with the University of Maine.
An X-ray therapy unit is purchased and installed.
In 1957, the trustees approve construction of a three-story building to house X-ray services, and an additional 40 patient beds (the design will permit the addition of three more floors as funds become available). The decision to move ahead was stimulated by a Ford Foundation grant of $158,000.
Obstetrical service becomes the obstetrical and gynecological service, with Magnus Ridlon, M.D. as chief.
A department of volunteer services is established under the direction of Rose Leddy.
An anonymous donor makes possible purchase of a private home adjacent to the west, enabling future expansion and maintaining the "assurance that our exceptionally ideal location will be fully protected."
The 40-hour week now applies to student nurses as well as employees.
In 1958, trustees successfully negotiate with the Hill-Burton committee in the Legislature, assuring that 40 percent of the cost of the new diagnostic building will be covered by the Hill-Burton Fund.
"The school (of nursing) has had difficulty securing enough qualified applicants for the past two years. Our attrition rate has been high, with marriage being the greatest single cause, failure and dislike of nursing coming next." --Nursing director Mabel F. Booth
From the nursing student handbook: "Three one-piece uniforms. 6 aprons. 6 bibs. 2 caps. 3 pair cuffs and 3 collars are allowed weekly. No class cuts are allowed. In cold or inclement weather no student is to go out of doors without a wrap. No slacks may be worn in the dining room. If student is unable to leave a ward, she must call the cafeteria and report that she is to be late. Students must go to the health office during the first week of each month and be weighed."
Surgery adds an automatic washing machine for cleaning of rubber gloves.
The Auxiliary continues to support the nursing program: this year gifts include silver and dishes for the brunch room; a television, radio and hi-fi set; books and card tables; lawn furniture and a barbeque.
The Diagnostic and Treatment Building (later named in honor of trustee Robert N. Haskell) opens in 1959, adding new quarters for the radiology department and 42 patient beds. "At long last the Department of Radiology has left its former subterranean abode in the basement...and has completed the transference of machinery and personnel to the sunshine and hope of the first floor of the new building." --Radiologist Hugh Allan Smith
The hospital continues to post an operating loss, pegged to the shortfall resulting from "rising costs of operation" and "$500,000 (in free care) for which the state reimbursement was less than $180,000." In order to keep pace with other institutions, trustees approve a general wage increase.
"In keeping with its policy of considering, as rapidly as feasible, possible improvements in the Hospital, the Board ...engaged the firm of Eaton Tarbell & Associates to conduct a preliminary survey in regard to a new Pediatric Unit." --Trustee president Robert N. Haskell
In 1960, the hospital's accumulated deficit reaches $400,000.
"A completely modernized and greatly expanded Pediatric Unit is in the latest planning stages and will definitely be carried forward to completion. In recognition of the many requests for capital contributions which the public have faced up to in recent years, your Trustees are making every effort to maintain the policy of one-step building projects utilizing all available governmental financial assistance and hospital funds, without a public fund drive." --Robert N. Haskell
A continuing drop in the number of professional nurses spurs proposals to reassign nursing tasks not directly related to nursing care: ward clerks placed throughout the hospital ("the clerk placed on Ward B-2 has proved beyond a doubt the value of such a group"); additional trained practical nurses and nurses aides; a post-operative recovery room and a central supply room; the transfer to the dietary department of all meal preparation and service.
"Another milestone of progress (is) the complete revision of the Medical Staff is pleasantly anticipated that the result will be a greatly improved functioning of the Medical Staff in regard to inter-related problems, as well as a smoother coordination of Trustee-Medical Staff-Administration relationships."--Robert Haskell
In December, an anesthesia recovery room opens, separate from other nursing units and staffed with specially trained personnel.
In 1961, In support of the new medical staff by-laws, trustees appoint "a highly qualified group of physicians as chiefs of various services, sections, and departments created by that document.
"The year 1960-61 was of great importance for the financing of hospital care for the medically indigent...the 100th Legislature found it possible to increase the appropriation for State Aid patients and for Public Assistance is expected that the State Department of Health and Welfare will be able to provide the largest percentage of the cost of care ever available."--Director Frank Curran
An operating microscope is purchased through gifts to the hospital, adding to the surgical department's "expanding list of modern equipment."
The physical therapy department sets up a workshop for the use of the Boston prosthetist who serves EMGH patients, thus saving them a trip to Massachusetts.
In 1962, "Continuing in its voluntary role as Regional Medical Center for eastern and northern Maine, the Eastern Maine General Hospital provided approximately $600,000 of service at charges lower than actual cost. ... Unfortunately, the payments from State programs, although improved...left the Hospital with the burden of $235,OOO. ...Distressing personnel shortages...mercurial salary scales of comparable institutions and inexorably rising costs compelled the governing board to authorize new wage schedules of proportions calculated to attract trained hospital workers and assure our long-term employees of the Trustees' interest and appreciation."--Robert N Haskell
Radio-active cobalt unit is acquired and "will offer to patients of the surrounding area the same type of therapy that until lately was available only in teaching institutions in large centers out of the State."
IBM accounting equipment installed (electronic punch card system) for control of accounts receivable.
Ross homestead on Ohio Street is acquired through a bequest from Sylvia Ross; the property is to be used for the care of patients not requiring hospital facilities.
On December 30, "one of the worst ever" snowstorms hits Bangor; the police department is called in to transport nurses to and from work.
In 1963, "At long last a succession of delays was overcome... (and) Government officials gave final approval to plans for an entirely new and modern Pediatric Unit."
Technology makes further headway at EMGH: new electronic equipment is added in the lab and radiology; the IBM system is extended to the payroll department.
A striking example of the growing awareness of the importance of early detection of cancer is revealed in the annual lab report: this year 5,800 Pap smear tests are recorded; four years earlier, the number was just over 1,000.
Plans for an intensive care unit have been on hold for several years, pending availability of qualified nursing staff.
Patient-centered nursing plans are formally added to the curriculum. Student affiliations now include a psychiatric rotation at Augusta Mental Health Institute and pediatric rotations at Children's Hospital and Boston Lying-In.
In August 1964, the renovated pediatric unit opens on the top floor of Phillips Oliver: "Designed for the use of modern scientific techniques as well as for comfort and beauty, this area is undoubtedly an outstanding example of a model facility for the care of children and adolescents." Work was completed at a cost of $350,000, with the federal government contributing $130,000 under the Hill-Burton Fund. For the 10-month period of construction and renovation, Phillips Oliver 3 was closed and children were admitted to various other nursing units.
Ross Home on Ohio Street opens in December as a unit for patients needing long-term care.
"During the year 30 percent or about 3,500 patients were admitted to 'Ward Service'...professional care of these patients is provided by the Visiting Staff entirely free. ...This contribution of skill, effort and time is indeed appreciated by the Trustees." --Robert Haskell
A department of nuclear medicine is added under the direction of physicians from internal medicine, surgery, radiology and pathology.
In 1965, trustees approve two major proposals from the medical staff: creating the position of medical director and adding a psychiatric service.
EMMC School of Anesthesia established under the direction of Pauline Barbin, CRNA.
An intensive care unit opens in October: in the first 6 months of operation, the unit averages 12.9 hours of nursing care per patient, with an average daily census of 5.4 patients.
In March the Stetson Medical Office Building opens, offering for the first time on-campus office space (10 suites) for physicians. The $221,000 building "is regarded as an unusually popular and successful project by patients, doctors and hospital personnel."
Medicare/Medicaid programs become law: "For many years, the Trustees have advocated a more equitable sharing of the cost of hospital care by governmental agencies. At long last...these programs are expected to reduce substantially the demands...on our resources." --Robert Haskell
In June a family planning clinic is added: "EMGH is the very first hospital in New England to have such a clinic."
In 1966, a formal retirement plan for employees is initiated (a reserve has been accumulating for this purpose since 1957).
Pace maker insertion is now available.
Fifty applicants respond to an ad for the new operating room technician training program; six are selected.
The employee cafeteria is modernized and put on an all-cash basis (previously a meal allowance was part of an employee's compensation).
A genito-urinary procedure room opens.
Dr. Rolf Lium is appointed medical director in 1967.
The first graduation ceremonies are held for the School of Anesthesia.
A dermatology section added with the appointment of Otis F. Jillson, MD.
Trustees authorize outside planners and consultants to provide a long range plan for development of the plant.
In February a new policy is adopted "allowing husbands to remain with their wives in the Labor Room--this policy has been very successful."
In an effort to relieve professional nurses from non- nursing tasks, two positions are created: an autoclave nurse's aide and a check-out aide to clean patient rooms following discharge.
In August 1968, following a "delay due to construction technicalities," a new outpatient-emergency facility opens and is "very pleasantly received by the public."
A psychiatric service begins with the appointment of Irwin M. Pasternak, MD. At this time, psychiatric patients are not segregated.
A five-bed cardiac intensive care unit opens.
The firm of Herman Smith, hospital consultants, completes a master plan study: "a great step forward toward the development of a completely modernized medical center."
The laboratory acquires a chloridometer for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis through a gift from the Max Kagan Foundation.
A social service/discharge planning department is added.
A print shop opens.
John F. Grant succeeds Robert Haskell as president of the board in 1969.
Robert H. Brandow is named executive director, succeeding Frank Curran.
Trustees vote a new name for EMGH: Eastern Maine Medical Center. "For the first time we are a medical center in name as well as in spirit. And under design we have a new medical center facility to go with the dedication of its many skilled personnel and diversely specialized physicians." --Robert H. Brandow
Multi-bed ward, Eastern Maine Medical Center, ca. 1970
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In January 1970, Leona McGinnis retires following more than 49 years as the hospital switchboard operator.
Plans proceed for the hospital's largest fund drive since the 1922 campaign to build the student nurses residence. Hundreds of community leaders attend luncheon tours and informational meetings on the design and operation of the medical center. Thousands more "see the filmstrip, review the brochures and examine the model of the new building."
Trustee presidents of the community hospitals served by EMMC are now ex officio members of the corporation.
The nuclear medicine section established in Radiology under the direction of Edward C. Porter, M.D.; gamma camera purchased for $62,000.
A rehabilitative medicine section added under the direction of Robert H. Brown, M.D.
"We have seen...22 physician appointments confirmed this year...The inquiries of new physicians interested in Bangor continue to arrive and it would appear from the physician's point of view that with the new hospital commitment, Bangor may be just the kind of place that will appeal to more young physicians starting out who want to get away from large cities." --Medical staff president Edward B. Babcock, M.D.
In 1971, the building campaign is reported to be a resounding success among all donor groups: trustees, physicians, employees and the community. The $2-million fund raising goal (on the $10-million project) is surpassed in just three months; the balance is borrowed. "On a goal of $60,000, medical center personnel had pledged $155,000 after a campaign of less than two weeks. According to our consultant, this set a national per capita gift record for employees in a hospital drive. 'I Believe in EMMC' buttons seemed to be everywhere during that brief campaign." --Robert H. Brandow
"The real story is in the area of services to walk-in patients and services in support of regional community hospitals." Emergency and outpatient X-ray services have grown by 50 percent in the past three years.
Chaplaincy services are added with the appointment of the Rev. Donald Schermerhorn.
Gastroenterology section added with the appointment of Philip G. Hunter, MD.
Fiberoptic endoscope procedures are introduced.
The first total hip replacement is performed at EMMC.
Haskell & Kelley Buildings, Eastern Maine Medical Center, ca. 1970
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Several new medical sections are established in 1972 with the following appointments: Oncology, Hadley Parrot, M.D.; Hematology, Alan W. Boone, M.D.; Roy S. Patten, M.D., and Mason Trowbridge Jr., M.D.; Neurology, Francis I. Kittredge Jr., M.D.
An occupational therapy program is started.
Ivac units are acquired for intravenous feeding or medication.
A hospital-wide employee education department is organized.
A discharge planning program is formalized.
A pneumonencephalogram "somersault" chair facilitates brain studies.
Patient Room at Eastern Maine Medical Center ca. 1972
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In 1973, a nephrology section is added with the appointment of Richard A. Patch. M.D., a renal dialysis unit opens with first two dialysis machines the gift of Edward Rosen and child psychiatry is added with the appointment of Juergen Homann, M.D.
Charles D. McEvoy Jr., M.D, is named medical director.
A pilot alcohol detoxification unit opens.
Dr. Joe Wise spends three months in London studying cardiac catheterization technique, in preparation for the opening of a cath lab later this year.
Plans for a medical school in Maine gain momentum; EMMC is part of a cooperative effort, which includes the University of Maine, Maine Medical Center and medical schools in other New England states.
Discharge planning and social services are unified for coordinated after-care.
Unit dose distribution of medicines is adopted.
The 1974 annual report notes: "It has been a year 'on the move' as area after area of the new building has come into service." Nearly two-thirds of the new building is diagnostic and treatment space; one-third replaces inpatient beds (the 6th floor is shelled space). In service this year: critical care unit; emergency and orthopedics; clinics and ambulatory care; kitchen and cafeteria; patient units featuring private baths and window views.
Rehabilitation service under the direction of Philip L. Mossman, M.D., integrates occupational and physical therapy; audiology; speech therapy; orthotics and prosthetics.
Infectious disease section added with the appointment of Bruce Denny-Brown, M.D.; pulmonary medicine section established with the appointment of A. Marshall Smith, M.D.
Cytogenetics laboratory opens under the direction of Laurent Beauregard, Ph.D.
Clinical clerkships are offered for undergraduate medical students.
Orthotics staff molds an ankle-foot brace using polypropylene --a dramatic change from the metal and leather type.
New laundry equipment includes a 400-lb. washer, massive dryers, and high-speed ironer with automatic folder.
The Medical Center does not escape the impact of the recession in 1975. Receivables are $4,728,000 compared with $2,704,000 last year. Unreimbursed care accounts for 15 percent of total service "and continues to represent a major subsidy to the welfare of the people of eastern Maine."
A residency program begins under the direction of A. Dewey Richards, M.D., chief of the Family Practice Service. Four first-year residents and one second-year resident arrive in July.
The EMMC Alcohol Institute evolved from an earlier pilot detoxification unit, opens under the medical direction of Stanley J. Evans, M.D.
A Child Development Center opens offering multi- disciplinary evaluation and care.
A rheumatology section is added with the appointment of Sidney R. Block, M.D.
Neuroradiology is added with the appointment of John M. Long, M.D., to the radiology service.
Ross Home patients are moved from Ohio Street to Kelley 5; the Ross Home becomes a retirement residence.
EMMC wins national recognition from the American Hospital Association and Modern Healthcare magazine as a model for the regional concept of hospital shared services.
Minor Surgical Area at Eastern Maine Medical Center ca. 1970
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The Family Practice Building opens in 1976.
Specialized pediatric care is expanded with the appointments of Angela C. Gilladoga, M.D. (cardiology) and Demetrius G. Traggis, M.D. (oncology).
A planning department is established.
Rural pediatric health service offers mobile pediatric clinics in outlying communities with two specially equipped vans.
A pre-vocational testing lab begins service.
Inter-hospital planning with St. Joseph Hospital helps avoid duplicated services; one result is the shifting of all obstetrical patients to EMMC.
Major purchases include a $10,000-neuromicroscope for intricate brain and nerve surgery and a $102,000 Gamma camera.
In June 1977, the trustee planning committee issues a two-inch thick "CEMMC Five-Year Plan." Four priorities emerge: a modern obstetrical unit, inpatient psychiatric care, completion of level 6, and a regional cancer treatment center.
John F. Grant is given the first distinguished service award by newly elected president of the board, Edward M. Stone.
Family-centered maternity care is enhanced with the introduction of rooming-in privileges, sibling visitation, and a special celebration dinner served to new parents.
Haskell 3 now houses post-coronary patients.
The library enters the computer age with the addition of Medline search.
Specialization in pediatric endocrinology is added with the appointment of Joan E. MacCracken, M.D.
A high-speed automatic chest x-ray unit is acquired.
Medication monitoring is greatly improved with the addition of liquid chromatograph in the laboratory. An automated blood chemistry analyzer enables sophisticated testing with fewer blood samples required of the patient.
Sonography, non-invasive and non-radioactive, is now available for prenatal exams.
Nursing students, Eastern Maine Medical Center, 1976
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In 1978, "The primary success story of the year for all of us was the outpouring of support ($2.4 million) from our six-county referral area for funding of a regional cancer radiation center at EMMC."
Edward E. Rosen is presented the distinguished service award.
The Hilda C. Rosen Special Care Unit for infants and children is in full operation on Phillips-Oliver 5.
Two shelled floors above Family Practice are completed, and now house outpatient pediatric and psychiatric services.
A residual bequest in excess of $500,000 is received from the estate of Luther S. Mason, M.D.; the new building's largest education/conference space is named Luther S. Mason Auditorium in his memory.
Modifications are made in the Blaisdell Building and "inpatient psychiatric services are being provided there temporarily rather than in the old 1899 building."
The chapel is dedicated.
Moving in, Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor, 1976
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The volunteer Telecare reassurance program begins, offering daily telephone contact for people who live alone.
Patient relations department is established.
Pulmonary function laboratory increases diagnostic capabilities with oxymeter and ergometer.
A cardiac rehabilitation program begins in 1979.
W. Gordon Robertson is presented the distinguished service award.
Hospice care is now available.
The birthing room opens in labor and delivery.
Hadley Parrot Health Science Library is expanded.
An employee assistance program started.
Energy conservation gains heightened priority: 275,000 gallons of oil are saved annually with installation of a steam turbine generator which produces electricity from formerly surplus steam; heat is recovered from laundry waste water and used to heat fresh wash water; on-site incinerator feeds recovered heat into hospital heating system.
In 1980, G. Peirce Webber is presented the distinguished service award.
A multi-disciplinary back pain clinic begins service.
Alice Wilson, a volunteer since 1971, earns EMMC's first 10,000-hour volunteer pin.
Critical care unit is updated with computerized heart monitors and additional wireless heart monitoring units. . .Risk management program begins.
Douglas H. Brown is elected president in 1981, succeeding Edward M. Stone.
Hadley Parrot, M.D., receives the distinguished service award.
A new family-centered maternity unit and the Hilda C. Rosen Neonatal Special Care Unit open on the newly constructed Level 7 of the main building.
A radiation oncology section is added with the appointment of Peter M. Lambert, M.D.
Trustees approve the development of a baccalaureate nursing program in affiliation with Husson College.
EMMC Federal Credit Union opens.
Camp Kee-to-Kin holds its first session for children with diabetes and their families, at Hershey Retreat in Stockton Springs.
The first main frame computer comes on-line.
A new cell separator enhances care in the cancer clinic.
EMMC volunteers donate 40,000 hours of service.
In 1982, Level 6 in the main building opens for medical/surgical patients.
In August, Level 7 comes into service for family-centered maternity care, including the Auxiliary Newborn Nursery and the Hilda C. Rosen Neonatal Special Care Unit.
EMMC and the Maine State Nurses Association reach their first contractual agreement.
Main patient building is named in memory of John F. Grant, honoring "the dedication of a man who served the medical center in one leadership position after another for 20 years."
Lucy Arbo, L.P.N., long time EMMC volunteer, receives the distinguished service award.
A Children's Endowment Fund established by the Auxiliary with the fulfillment of a $100,000 pledge.
A new CT body scanner comes into service in the Dr. Samuel J. and Doris C. Rosen Center for Advanced Radiology.
The first argonkrypton laser is acquired to treat eye ailments.
The Wing property on State Street, housing physician offices, is purchased; 150 new parking spaces are gained.
In 1983, members of the corporation approve a major reorganization that creates Eastern Maine Healthcare, the non-profit and community owned corporate parent of the medical center and all its related activities. The goal is to "assure community control in order to make available high quality health care at the lowest possible cost."
EMH enables greater efficiency and economies of scale through new or reorganized activities: Affiliated Services provides computing, billing and data processing; Affiliated Laboratory is an off-campus reference lab; Affiliated Materiel Services enables group purchasing and warehousing.
Robert N. Haskell is presented the distinguished service award.
Energy conservation continues as a top priority: in the past two years oil consumption has dropped by 127,000 gallons, even with the opening of two new patient floors on Grant 6 and 7.
Consolidated Alcohol Institute opens in renovated space on Phillips-Oliver 3 and Kelley 3.
New "progressive care unit" on Grant 5 allows some patients earlier transfer from ICU.
In-the-field defibrillation is now available, with equipment purchased by EMMC and operated by local emergency services personnel trained at EMMC.
A second linear accelerator is installed in the Rosen Cancer Center.
Grant 6 West is designated smoke-free.
Home renal dialysis program is initiated.
In 1984, the outpatient surgery center opens in a space made available by the transfer of supplies and laboratory to off-campus sites.
Edward M. Stone is presented the distinguished service award.
"EMH is evolving as an overall plan for coping with our future...through 12 components, each independent but united through the common mission of Eastern Maine Healthcare."
New federal and state "cap" systems begin, including flat-rate reimbursement for Medicare patients based on diagnostic related groups (DRGs), and the establishment of a state commission empowered to impose ceilings on how much hospitals may charge for patient services.
Valet parking service begins.
EMMC Employee Fitness Center opens in what was originally built as a kitchen in the 1910 domestic building.
In 1985, "The task for the future will be to continue to take very good care of the acutely ill for that brief and critical time, while developing affordable, appropriate alternatives that meet with comparable quality the needs of non-acute patients in cooperation with other agencies, we can provide...a continuum of care."
Charles O. McEvoy Jr., M.O., is presented the distinguished service award.
Paul H. LaMarche, M.D., is named medical director.
The EMMC School of Nursing, founded in 1892, graduates its last class; the transition to a baccalaureate program in affiliation with Husson College is complete.
The Follies raises $20,000 toward the Auxiliary's pacesetting $350,000 pledge to the campaign to bring cardiac surgery to eastern Maine.
Lifeline program is started, offering an immediate assistance link to EMMC.
Participation in a national purchasing network saves $350,000 in supply costs this year.
A stereotactic headframe enables neurosurgeons to implant radioactive seeds within the brain, with minimum damage to surrounding skull and tissue.
High-resolution ultrasound and fluoroscopy benefits kidney stone patients.
Patients are assigned a personal account representative to answer questions about charges or insurance coverage.
As the 1986 concludes, nearly $4-million has been pledged to the campaign for "complete heart care closer to home." "No matter how often we say thank you to those who have supported the Campaign for the Heart, the most profound feelings of gratitude are yet to come. After all, it's for patients and their families that we have worked so hard." -- Campaign Chairman Doug Brown
G. Clifton Eames is elected board chairman, succeeding Douglas H. Brown.
The trustee's distinguished service award is presented to Douglas H. Brown.
Riverside Inn, operated by private developers in the EMH-owned former nurses residence, opens to the public. The inn offers convenience for patients and families who travel from outlying communities for outpatient treatment.
Husson/EMMC Baccalaureate Nursing Program graduates its first class.
Outpatient surgery has increased by 70 percent since 1984.
The Healthy Heart program promotes a preventive approach to heart disease through community health education.
Trustees vote to file a Certificate of Need application for an expanded emergency services area.
EMMC Allergy Index debuts on local TV and radio stations and in the Bangor Daily News.
Health Talk, a community health education radio talk show, features EMMC staff discussing current topics in health.
"C-Arm" X-ray equipment in the emergency department minimizes the need to move trauma patients.
In July 1987, the EMMC Heart Center admits the first surgery patient; and in October the Yacavone Cardiac Laboratory opens, making angioplasty available.
New outpatient services area on level II opens with renovated space for ophthalmology, gastroenterology, vascular and EEG services.
Thomas H. Palmer, Jr., M.D., is presented the distinguished service award.
Five-story Webber Office Building addition opens.
EMH and Jackson Brook Institute of Portland conduct a joint study of the unmet needs of psychiatric patients; a certificate of need is filed proposing construction of an 80-bed psychiatric hospital.
New physician referral service is operated by Affiliated Healthcare Systems.
Camp Grand offers a special Kee-to-Kin program for children with diabetes and their grandparents.
Wing Park Children's Center opens in affiliation with the YWCA, offering day care for employee children.
Loss prevention department is established to coordinate work place safety programs.
Transcutaneous oxygen monitor in the Rosen Neonatal Unit enables needle-free measurement in the tiniest newborns.
In 1988, a healthcare mall in the Stetson Building houses a center for continuing care information; Hospice of Eastern Maine; EMMC Hearing Center; and Affiliated Pharmacy.
The distinguished service award is presented to Wilma A. Bradford.
In its first year, the EMMC Heart Center posts 305 surgeries, 113 angioplasties, and 1,164 catheterizations. EMH Rosscare develops plans to build a nursing home and joins First Atlantic Corporation in the purchase of a 60- bed nursing home in Dexter; currently, a daily average of 42 EMMC patients await nursing home placement.
School of Anesthesia affiliates with Central Connecticut State University; graduates are awarded masters in biology with specialization in nurse anesthesia.
In 1989, the annual report notes, "As a not-for-profit organization, EMH has no stock to issue, no dollar dividends to declare. All money that comes in is returned to the community as new or existing health care services. And regardless of ability to pay, no one who needs care is turned away from our doors. The 'owners' and directors of EMH are the people of the communities we serve, people who invest their time and energy to make quality health care available for their families and neighbors."
Distinguished service awards are presented to M. Marteile Benson, R.N., and G. Marlys Clark, R.N.
In May, the Women's Center at Eastern Maine opens, providing mammography services and coordinating educational programs.
The Clinic for Cancer and Blood Disorders moves from the Grant to the Webber Building.
"Pediatric care at EMMC continues to grow toward a vision of the future which includes an area dedicated more exclusively to the health needs of children."
This year, the emergency department staff treated more than 43,000 patients in space designed for 25,000 visits annually; plans for expansion move forward.
Eastern Maine Medical Center Graystone Building 2003
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In 1990, an expanded emergency department opens, including a new Walk-in Care Center.
Irving Kagan succeeds G. Clifton Eames as chairman.
G. Clifton Eames is presented the distinguished service award.
The Heart Center celebrates its 1,000th surgery patient and 10,000th catheterization.
A cooperative effort with Penobscot Valley Health Association leads to an EMMC asthma education program based in outpatient pediatric clinics.
The molecular genetics lab staff is developing a battery of DNA-based diagnostic tests.
EMH acquires the former James A. Taylor Hospital as a site for construction of a psychiatric hospital.
School of Anesthesia is now affiliated with the University of New England.
In 1991, a neonatal transport system sends a highly skilled, specially equipped team to hospitals throughout the region so that very ill newborns may be safely brought to EMMC's Rosen NICU.
Frances Rhodes is presented the distinguished service award.
Ross Manor and the adjacent Laurel Court open, serving more than 80 nursing home residents.
The James B. Coffey Jr. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center opens on campus, a joint effort of the radiologists and neurologists.
The completion of an outpatient children's clinic on Webber 3 provides multidisciplinary care for a number of chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Funds for renovating the space came from Children's Miracle Network Telethon, Ronald McDonald Children's Charities and Bangor's Ronald McDonald House.
Thirteen employees and physicians serve in Operation Desert Storm.
The Family Practice Center logs more than 28,000 patient visits.
EMMC recycles 200 tons of material this year, sparing 1,700 trees and saving 700,000 gallons of water.
Valet parking continues to be a popular service; on a busy day 200 patients and visitors may be served.
1992 marks the hospital's "100th Year of Caring."
The hospital founded in charity and community support one hundred years ago embarks on a centennial year distinguished by the single greatest charitable effort in its history: a $6-million campaign to build an inpatient children's center atop the Grant Building. By October, the campaign reaches a successful conclusion, powered by a $750,000 challenge gift from Stephen and Tabitha King, a $500,000 Auxiliary pledge, record-setting support from employees and physicians, and broad community support.
Acadia Hospital opens in August. As part of Eastern Maine Healthcare, 100-bed Acadia offers acute psychiatric care and chemical dependency services.
Malcolm E. Jones is presented the distinguished service award.
Volunteers, essential partners in the work of the hospital, number nearly 500.
A second catheterization lab opens, in response to a marked increased demand for cath services.
"100 Years of Caring -- A Centennial Celebration" is held in September at the Bangor Civic Center; hundreds of families come to celebrate and learn about their medical center.
The copy in this exhibit is taken from the contents of:
One Hundred Years of Caring, A Chronology, Eastern Maine Medical Center, 1892-1992
Copyright 1994, Eastern Maine Medical Center
Researched and written by Ann Trainor, Director Special Projects