Nurse School graduates, Eastern Maine General Hospital, 1922
Item 16251 infoEastern Maine Medical Center
The trustees report a deficit of $14,139 in 1920, slightly down from 1919 and a concern that 36 percent of the care was given entirely free.
X-ray and pathology work continue to be good sources of revenue, but not sufficient to make up the loss.
Overcrowding subsides and student nurses are able to return to their hospital quarters.
Outpatient services now include: venereal and dental clinics, orthopedic, hydrotherapeutic, X-ray and laboratory, district nursing, and the care of patients at the Good Samaritan Home.
?Under the auspices of the Women's Aid Association the patients were enabled to have frequent drives during the summer months, friends of the Hospital tendering their cars.?
Katherine Boutelle is named superintendent of nurses, "it having been decided to give more assistance to the Superintendent in the management of the Training School" (until now one person had filled both positions).
The corporation adopts new bylaws.
George H. Stone, M.D., succeeds Ida Washburn as superintendent.